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who I am

I’m Lawrence Villanueva a.k.a. boostr29

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering. I studied at Mapua Institute of Technology in the Philippines. Now you might be wondering what the hell am I doing graphics instead? I’m not sure either, I guess that was just never really my passion.


I’ve been a graphic designer for more than 10 years now. I started with application interfaces. It started just as a fun hobby during high school,  in my free time instead of  going out I would create application skins and custom desktop themes for windows. I later moved on to designing websites. This was brought on by wanting to have my own custom cool looking website. Flash was all the rave back then. I started with just basic html and css, which progressed to learning flash, javascript and php. I was never satisfied and just kept updating my site to make it look better, which led be to learning more about web design and development. Fast forward a few years this is what I do for a living. I have a 9 to 5 job as a graphic designer / web developer. I also freelance for a few select clients, and once in a while design for different websites. You can check out the links in my shop.